Buying a Business – M&A
Buying an existing lower mid-market business (along with selling lower mid-market businesses, is known as “mergers & acquisitions,” or just “M&A”) is a great way to enter into a new business or expand your existing business. From an expansion standpoint, in fast-moving markets or industries that are tough to penetrate because the market leaders are well-entrenched, purchasing your way in maybe the obvious preferred option compared to starting from scratch or growing your existing business organically.
Lower Middle-Market companies – deals that involve complex business transactions with sophisticated buyers, often including intricate deal structuring, and challenging valuation and finance arrangements. M&A Advisors, often work on national transactions, which may involve intricate business merging, or sale, spanning multiple locations and typically confidentially present the acquisition opportunity to a small select group of targeted buyers.
M&A Source
Contact us to learn more about our full-service M&A Buy Side services. Lisa is a CM&AP and can guide you through the process. As a founding member of the Cornerstone International Alliance, we have an established network of M&A Advisors who have expertise in a variety of industries.
Below are Buy-side M&A articles which which may prove of value: