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2021 Q1: Top 3 Industries by Market Sector

According to the Market Pulse 2021 Q1 survey in the Main Street market, personal services were trended throughout the sector. In the lower middle market, manufacturing and construction/engineering dominated industry transitions. Source: IBBA & M&A Source Market Pulse 2021 Q1 (published 5/26/2021) #DeltaBusinessAdvisors #MergersandAcquisitions #BusinessBrokers #MandAMarket #DailyBusinessAcumen #MASource #IBBA #MarketPulse #MainStreet

Monday Mojo Meg Whitman

“The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of a mistake.” – Meg Whitman, CEO of Quibi Margaret Cushing Whitman is an American business executive and former political candidate. She is a board member of Procter & Gamble and General Motors. Whitman was previously president and CEO of… Read More »Monday Mojo Meg Whitman

Technology Used When Shopping

No surprise….baby boomers are both far less likely to have used tools like QR codes or augmented reality while shopping, and less interested in using them in the future.

The Worlds Most Visited Websites

Google is the most visited site in the world. Yahoo still holds a commanding spot at number 9. The bounce rate of 27% for Google indicates that 27% of the visitors are leaving after just looking at one page.