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Self Employment At 10 Year High

As we see college attendance dropping, we are also seeing more young people being Entrepreneurs, we are excited about all these new business owners entering the market. As outlined by Axios: Entrepreneurship rebounded this summer to its highest level since just before the financial crisis. The asterisk: “Young people, women… Read More »Self Employment At 10 Year High

More Troubles in the skies

With the new COVID-19 variant out travel stock tumble as outlined by Statista: While the world was holding its breath, waiting for new information on the latest, possibly more dangerous strain of COVID-19 that was discovered last week, markets reacted nervously on Friday. Stock prices sank and safe haven assets… Read More »More Troubles in the skies

Small Business Saturday 2021

Please go out and support small businesses on Small Business Saturday and everyday. Small businesses is what makes the world go around. If you have a small business you would like to transition to a new owner we can help you with that.

Core Inflation Is UP

As outlined by USAFacts Core Inflation is up. The definition of Core inflation is: The overall CPI, also known as “headline” CPI, is measured by the percent change in these categories from one period to another. Since food and energy categories are typically much more volatile than the other parts… Read More »Core Inflation Is UP

Where Do Shoppers Go?

The aggregate transition from store to online is not unheard of but interesting to see the break down. In some ways this is not different than the deliveries made by store owners, just on a more global scale. As outlined in this article in Statista: With Black Friday offers now… Read More »Where Do Shoppers Go?