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Russia’s Stock Market

All aggression is about power, Nothing excerpts power like money Despite Russian military strength, the markets meltdown in the country yesterday highlights President Vladimir Putin’s vulnerabilities, Matt writes. Russian stocks suffered their worst day in history. The ruble-denominated Moex dropped more than 30%. The dollar-denominated RTS index was down 38%.… Read More »Russia’s Stock Market

How Is Your Boss?

This survey from Maru Public Opinion asked respondents about their feelings about their immediate supervisors. Interesting that 47% indicated they liked them a lot.

Job Security Increases

As we come out of the pandemic people are feeling more secure in jobs. As the economy recovered from Omicron-related disruptions this past month, Americans became less fearful that they could lose their jobs or see their hours reduced, Axios’ Kate Marino writes. But those concerns receded a lot more… Read More »Job Security Increases

Avoid Key-Person Risk

Ask yourself: If I became incapacitated, can my business run without me? If no, buyers will be concerned about the business’s ability to operate without you. If yes, no need to continue reading ;-)! If you can’t get away for at least one week of vacation at a time… If… Read More »Avoid Key-Person Risk

Companies Targeted by ESG Activists

ESG: Environmental criteria: how a company performs as a steward of nature. Social criteria: how a company manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where it operates. Governance criteria: how a company is/acts in leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights.  Basically, Investors are increasingly applying… Read More »Companies Targeted by ESG Activists