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Happy Thanksgiving

From all of us to all of you, hope you have a great and wonderful day! In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims — early settlers of Plymouth Colony — held a three-day feast to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Many regard this as the nation’s first Thanksgiving. The legacy of thanks and the… Read More »Happy Thanksgiving

Q3 Deal Terms 2012

Shows deal terms 10 years ago when the country was still climbing out of the Great Recession and long-term unemployment was at a post-WWII peak.

Q3 Deal Terms, 2021 & 2022

Financing structures remain relatively consistent year over year. In depressed market conditions we would expect to see an uptick in seller financing and earnouts. That has not materialized yet.

Median Multiples

Multipliers are still good even if the market is declining slightly Confidence may be declining, but deals are still happening, and the market is still driving a premium for quality businesses, There are a lot of media sources there telling us the sky is falling, but it’s still up there… Read More »Median Multiples

Credit Card APR

Credit Card fees are heading higher as inflation keeps going. Putting your bills on a retail credit card will cost you more than ever this holiday shopping season, Nathan writes. By the numbers: The average annual percentage rate for a retail credit card is 26.72%, an all-time high, according to… Read More »Credit Card APR