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Salary Demands

College educated heads of households are requiring greater salaries to move to a new employer.

Housing Starts Are Down

No surprise that housing starts are down as interest rates are up, however builders are completing existing orders. “Housing starts surprised on the upside in November, but permits plunged to the lowest level since June 2020,” Jefferies economists Aneta Markowska and Thomas Simons said in a note Tuesday. “Permits are now running below starts which… Read More »Housing Starts Are Down

Savings Are Down

As Inflation continues to rage on, savings are down as people want to maintain their standard of living as their dollar doesn’t reach as far as it did two years ago.

Rate Of Interest Increase

The fed is raising rates more aggressively than any time in the past, inflation is still high and they were slow to react. Coming off historically low interest rates, the Fed has taken very aggressive action to tame inflation this year, raising the federal funds target rate by 425 basis points since… Read More »Rate Of Interest Increase

Leaked Deals

Leaks still happen however they are significantly down for 2022, confidentiality is something we take very serious.

US Dollar Value

During this period of rapid worldwide inflation the dollar has remained strong, it is now slipping.

Thank You AZBBA: Platinum Chairman’s Circle Award

Thank you AZBBA for recognizing Lisa of Delta Business Advisors with the “Platinum Chairwomen’s Circle Award”, Lisa is honored to receive this award. AZBBA Platinum Chairman’s Circle Award ($5,000,000+). Complete list of winners