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Arizona Outlook Summary

As we begin the new year, the economy is contracting due to higher interest rates and the ending of Corona stimulus money programs ending. This is projected to slow the growth in Arizona and the nation. The outlook for Arizona, Phoenix, and Tucson depends in part on national and global… Read More »Arizona Outlook Summary

AZ Housing Affordability

Skyrocketing house prices have driven inflation in Phoenix well above the national average. They have also pushed housing affordability to very low levels in the third quarter of 2022. According to data from the NAHB-Wells Fargo Housing Opportunity Index, 22.5% of homes sold in the Phoenix MSA in the third… Read More »AZ Housing Affordability

Merry Christmas Eve Day

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! Wherever you are and whatever you do, I hope your Christmas Eve is joyous. Also I have it on good authority that the Naughty List has been finalized. So live it up, people!