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Quarter Over Quarter, Seller Market Sentiment Drops in Every Sector*

On April 1-15th, 416 business brokers and M&A advisors completed Q1 Market Pulse Survey.  Seller-market sentiment dipped significantly this quarter.  In the $5 million to $50 million sector, for example, only 55% of advisors described the market as a “seller’s market.” That’s a 27-percentage-point drop over Q4 2019, the largest… Read More »Quarter Over Quarter, Seller Market Sentiment Drops in Every Sector*

Most Businesses Partly Open

On April 1-15th, 416 business brokers and M&A advisors completed Q1 Market Pulse Survey.  Overall, they reported that many (40%) of the businesses they represent are operating at partial capacity, while 35% are temporarily closed, 4% have benefited, and 21% remain unaffected. For more information on Selling or Acquiring, contact… Read More »Most Businesses Partly Open

DBA: SBA Loans by Industry

May 4, 2020 As of April 28th, almost 50% of approved dollars went to the following industries: Construction (13%), Professional, Scientific & Tech Services (12.65%), Manufacturing (11.96%), and Health Care & Social Assistance (11.65%). Learn more about Delta Business Advisors at  or contact us at 480-686-8062 / if you are… Read More »DBA: SBA Loans by Industry

MPM: Reason for Cancellation

May 1, 2020 Buyers and Sellers Both Hitting the Brakes Buyers were the cause of most deal cancellations. However, a quarter of cancellations came from sellers taking their business off the market. Changes in bank financing arrangements also caused some deals to fall through. Similarly, M&A advisors representing businesses valued… Read More »MPM: Reason for Cancellation

DBA: Entrepreneurial Optimism

May 1, 2020 Over ¾ of business owners responding to the survey reported that their business will emerge stronger. Learn more about Delta Business Advisors at https: or contact us at 480-686-8062 / if you are interested in selling your Company. *From Permanent Equity’s 4/15 to 4/20/2020 Owner/Operator COVID-19 Impact Survey Results.… Read More »DBA: Entrepreneurial Optimism

DAILY BUSINESS ACUMEN: Although 1/3 business revenues remain flat or increased

May 1, 2020 Although 1/3 business revenues remain flat or increased, almost 1 in 5 businesses are down 51% or more in revenues. Learn more about Delta Business Advisors at https: or contact us at 480-686-8062 / if you are interested in selling your Company. *From Permanent Equity’s 4/15 to 4/20/2020 Owner/Operator… Read More »DAILY BUSINESS ACUMEN: Although 1/3 business revenues remain flat or increased