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Q4 2019 Seller Market Sentiment, Historical Trends

*According to the Market Pulse Survey – 4th Quarter 2019, presented by IBBA – International Business Brokers Association M&A Source and in partnership with Pepperdine University. #MergersandAcquisitions #BusinessBrokers #MandAMarket

Q4 2019 Slightly Less of a Seller’s Market Than Year Ago, Advisors Say

Seller-market sentiment dipped slightly in the lower middle market this quarter, but advisors still indicate that sellers have a strong advantage across all but the smallest business sector. Excluding businesses valued at less than $500K, advisors have not rated any sector as a buyer’s market since Q3 2017. Seller sentiment… Read More »Q4 2019 Slightly Less of a Seller’s Market Than Year Ago, Advisors Say