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Monday Mojo 17

“You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure.” -Zig Ziglar Ziglar dropped out of college in 1947 and moved to Lancaster, South Carolina where he took up a job as a salesman with the WearEver Cookware company. Ziglar was promoted to field manager and eventually divisional… Read More »Monday Mojo 17

COVID-19 Not the Only Factor

In terms of current events, advisors were most likely to say that COVID-19 and state shutdowns were having a negative impact on the market, however advisors also rated riots, protests, and election activity as dampening forces. According to the IBBA and M&A Source 2020 Q2 Market Pulse Learn more about… Read More »COVID-19 Not the Only Factor

Do You Know…Lending Opportunities and Insurance Go Hand in Hand?

Thursday, August 20th from 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM we’ll be hosting the Business Bite webinar series with Frances Ryan, Sunflower Bank & Jennifer Lazzara, Neate Dupey.  This will be another exciting segment covering Banking and Insurance.  Register here –>  <–