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New years resolution by generation

The majority of millennials — 88.60% of this generation, representing 58.7 million millennials — say they’ll make a New Year’s resolution in 2021. An even higher percentage of gen Zers plan to have a resolution at 91.85%. Source: Learn more about Delta Business Advisors at: or contact us @… Read More »New years resolution by generation

Monday Mojo

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, “I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.” You must do the thing you think you cannot… Read More »Monday Mojo

2020-12-03-05 Delta Snippet Escrow: What if I have a lien against my business, can we still close escrow?

On Thursday, November 3rd, 2020, Annette Anderson, Escrow Agent at Arizona Escrow & Financial Corporation, was our guest on the Delta Business Bite webinar: What is the role of an Escrow Agent in a Business transaction?   This Snippet focuses on what you do if there are existing liens. #businessbite #businessbroker #ArizonaEscrow #BusinessSales… Read More »2020-12-03-05 Delta Snippet Escrow: What if I have a lien against my business, can we still close escrow?

Santa’s Speed

With 195 countries in need of presents, Santa definitely has his work cut out for him. He needs to travel at mind-blowing speeds just to visit each country to deliver gifts before Christmas Day. Santa needs to travel at 93,000 miles a second to reach every house in the world.… Read More »Santa’s Speed

2020-12-03-03 Delta Snippet Escrow: How long does the process take from open to close?

On Thursday, November 3rd, 2020, Annette Anderson, Escrow Agent at Arizona Escrow & Financial Corporation, was our guest on the Delta Business Bite webinar: What is the role of an Escrow Agent in a Business transaction?   This Snippet focuses on the length of time it takes to close escrow and some of… Read More »2020-12-03-03 Delta Snippet Escrow: How long does the process take from open to close?

Santa’s Calories

How much does Santa eat on Christmas Eve? He eats 3.1 billion cookies, drinks 1.5 billion glasses of milk, and gains a jaw-dropping, sleigh-stopping 520 billion calories in one night! This is if each household leaves him a glass of milk and two cookies. Let’s hope that Mrs. Claus gets… Read More »Santa’s Calories