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Monday Mojo Mary Radmacher

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.” – Mary Anne Radmacher Mary Anne Radmacher is a writer and an artist. She conducts workshops on living a full, creative, balanced life, teaches Internet writing seminars, and… Read More »Monday Mojo Mary Radmacher

1,150 New 2020 Business Applications in AZ

1,150 business applications were submitted in AZ, a 18.6% increase from 2019! Source: #DeltaBusinessAdvisors #MergersandAcquisitions #BusinessBrokers #MandAMarket #DailyBusinessAcumen #UnitedStatesCensusBureau  #BusinessApplications

23% NY Resolution Makers Plan To Improve Job Performance

Almost one quarter of those making NY Resolutions plan to improve job performance according to Statista Global Consumer Survey. Source: Delta Business Advisors at: or contact us @ 480-686-8062 | | Schedule a meeting with Lisa: #DeltaBusinessAdvisors #MergersandAcquisitions #BusinessBrokers #MandAMarket #DailyBusinessAcumen #Statista  #NewYearsResolution

2020-12-03-08 Delta Snippet Escrow: Who must be present at closing?

On Thursday, November 3rd, 2020, Annette Anderson, Escrow Agent at Arizona Escrow & Financial Corporation, was our guest on the Delta Business Bite webinar: What is the role of an Escrow Agent in a Business transaction?   This Snippet focuses on Who must and can attend the closing. #businessbite #businessbroker #ArizonaEscrow #BusinessSales #BusinessOwner… Read More »2020-12-03-08 Delta Snippet Escrow: Who must be present at closing?

2020-12-03-07 Delta Snippet Escrow: Is there anything recorded for a business purchase like a deed when I buy a house?

On Thursday, November 3rd, 2020, Annette Anderson, Escrow Agent at Arizona Escrow & Financial Corporation, was our guest on the Delta Business Bite webinar: What is the role of an Escrow Agent in a Business transaction?   This Snippet focuses on The Bill of sale and documents you get at closing. #businessbite #businessbroker… Read More »2020-12-03-07 Delta Snippet Escrow: Is there anything recorded for a business purchase like a deed when I buy a house?

2020-12-03-06 Delta Snippet Escrow: Does having a PPP Loan or and EDIL loan effect the closing of my business?

On Thursday, November 3rd, 2020, Annette Anderson, Escrow Agent at Arizona Escrow & Financial Corporation, was our guest on the Delta Business Bite webinar: What is the role of an Escrow Agent in a Business transaction?   This Snippet focuses on how PPP and EDIL loans can affect the closing. #businessbite #businessbroker #ArizonaEscrow… Read More »2020-12-03-06 Delta Snippet Escrow: Does having a PPP Loan or and EDIL loan effect the closing of my business?