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Delta Business Acumen

Arizona Labor Gains

AZ estimated 6.6% jobless rate in July remains above pre-pandemic levels, but significantly LESS than the pandemic high of 14.2%.  Unemployment rates may not be improving as quickly is partly due to the increased number of workers in the labor market, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics… Read More »Arizona Labor Gains

The Great Refinance

According to Equifax data published by the New York Federal Reserve, mortgage originations nearly hit $1.2 trillion in Q4 2020, with refinances accounting for roughly 60 percent of that total. The refinancing boom became even more apparent in early 2021, as existing homeowners refinancing their debt accounted for a whopping 70… Read More »The Great Refinance

Looming Tax proposal

Biden promised new revenue to pay for historic spending increases in his second, very “soft” infrastructure package. He needs tax increases to pick up votes from Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) in the Senate and a handful of House centrists, who are concerned about adding even more to the national debt.

Time off from work due to injury

AmTrust Financial Services, Inc., a global specialty property and casualty insurer, yesterday released the AmTrust 2021 Contractor Risk Report, identifying common injuries and the resulting time off work for the specialized group. The report, based on 26,000 workers’ compensation claims over 10 years, found that companies in business less than… Read More »Time off from work due to injury

Unsolicited Offer – #1 Reason Business Owners Sold in Q2

With a commanding majority and knocking the reigning reason – Retirement – for the past 30+ quarters out, unsolicited offers were the #1 reason Business Owners sold their company in Q2 2021. Business Owners need to be prepared as preparation leads to higher values!